Designer + Teacher + Researcher
3- Research
Combining my roles as a designer and teacher, I have embraced the role of a practitioner-researcher. Through my research, I strive to foster the entrepreneurial mindset in designers, with the aim of transforming their professional roles into reflective and responsible practices. I explore how entrepreneurship, as a pedagogical approach, can provide alternative methods to enhance design education and learning. Entrepreneurial education holds the potential to equip students with a diverse skill set, empowering them to address the social and environmental challenges of the 21st century.


SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Scholarship - Fondation AFDU Québec
Association des femmes diplômées
des universités de Québec
Québec, Qc, Canada.
Excellence Scholarship - CRIFPE-Laval
Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante,
Université Laval (CRIFPE-Laval)
Québec, Qc, Canada.
Mobility scholarship - Bourse Frontenac
Fonds de recherche Nature
et technologies (FRQNT)
Québec, Qc, Canada.
Denoncourt, J., Deshaies, J., Déméné, C.,
& Raîche-Savoie, G. (2024).
Vers une bonification de la réparation professionnelle et de l’autoréparation : l’expérience de deux personas propriétaires d’un réfrigérateur et d’un téléphone intelligent. Sciences du Design, 2024/1 n° 19. pp. 180-205.
Naffi, N., Davidson, A.-L., Winer, L., Beatty, B., Germain-Rutherford, A., Diab, R., Focarile, T., Rukavina, D., Hornsby, D., Strickland-Davis, S., Boujaoude, S., Côté, S., Raiche-Savoie, G., Racine, J.-F., Camara, L., De La Haye Duponsel, N. & Kropf, V. (2023). Moving Forward After COVID‑19: New Directions for Teaching and Course Design in Higher Education. Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire / International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 20(2), 68–85.
Raîche-Savoie, G. & Déméné, C. (2022).
La pluralité de la recherche en design : tentative de clarification et de modélisation de la recherche-action, de la recherche-création et de la recherche-projet.
Sciences du Design, 16, 10-29. DOI: 10.3917/sdd.016.0010